When the time comes for your next Lexus oil change, look no further than Lexus of Jacksonville. Our job doesn’t end the day you take home the perfect car or SUV. We’re also dedicated to keeping that vehicle running right — even on the hottest days of summer. Learn how the hot weather can affect your engine oil, and how you can protect your vehicle this season.

The Oil Gets Thin

One of the primary purposes of oil is to keep the parts in your engine from grinding or rubbing together. In hot temperatures, the oil can become thinner as it reacts with the heat. This minimizes the capacity of the oil to lubricate the parts, increasing the possibility of parts becoming damaged prematurely due to friction or wear.

The Oil Breaks Down

It’s especially important to change older oil as the weather begins to warm. That’s because older oil is more likely to break down in hot temperatures, and when it does, it leaves behind sludge and debris. This can lead to clogs and reduce the capacity of the engine to run efficiently.

It Alters the Chemistry

In very hot weather, the additives in your vehicle’s oil can volatilize and escape. Those additives are used to protect the metal of your vehicle’s essential parts and to make oil an efficient lubricant. When they break down and escape, the vehicle has a reduced protection and lubrication capacity, which can affect the longevity and safety of important parts.

Schedule a Summer Oil Change in Jacksonville, FL

No matter what your summer service needs may be, you’ll find the support you deserve at Lexus of Jacksonville. We provide personalized and seasonal service support all year long, so you can focus on planning the next great drive. Schedule an oil change at our dealership today!